The Belt of Venus

acadia_belt_of_venusDriving up Cadillac Mountain in Acadia National Park last weekend, we were offered a beautiful display of the Belt of Venus. The belt is an atmospheric phenomenon and fairly common. It is caused by the shadow of the Earth creating a dark blue band below the warm light from the setting or rising sun. The belt is seen on the opposite horizon from the sun. Click on the image for a larger version.

The Torii: a Sacred Gate

tokyo_meiji_jingu_torii_2Most shines in Japan are marked by a gate called a torii. As the worshipper passes through the gate, it symbolized the transition from the mundane world into a sacred space. This gate is at Meiji Shrine, the largest shrine in Tokyo. The structure just beyond the gate is the ablution pavilion, or temizuya, where worshippers will rise their mouth and wash their hands as a purification rite.
Futon Daiko - William Ash