Germany 1968

germany_1968I was going through some old film and found a picture of my family from 1968—the smart-looking guy in the green wool hat is me. As a photographer, you are always working in the moment, in the present. To see an image from another time and connect that point to where you are today is odd. In what sense is that person me; in what sense is he a faded shadow of who I was. At least, I now have better sweaters.

Fall Visitor

life_in_me_miceWe were blessed with another Deer Mouse this week. This time of year they seem to move into the house in preparation for winter. We encourage them to live somewhere else (we provide transportation at no charge). However, we are not sure our relocation program is successful—are we just catching the dumb ones, leaving the smart ones to breed?


The Tranquility of Late Fall, Part 2

life_in_me_blackberryOne of the bounties we received by letting our field revert to nature was an explosion of blackberry. Blackberries are one of our most productive crops that supplies us with fruit though winter and into the spring. But now in late fall, over two months since the last berry was picked, the blackberry canes are putting on a wonderful display of color.