Short Winter Days

life_in_maine_short_winter_daysIn Maine this time of year, the sun rises at 7am and sets at 4pm—a short day. For most of the daylight hours, the sun hangs low giving a feeling of early morning or late afternoon, never the bright midday light of summer. In December in Maine, light is a treasure, even the fading fire of the setting sun through the bare branches of the forest.

The Tranquility of Late Fall, Part 2

life_in_me_blackberryOne of the bounties we received by letting our field revert to nature was an explosion of blackberry. Blackberries are one of our most productive crops that supplies us with fruit though winter and into the spring. But now in late fall, over two months since the last berry was picked, the blackberry canes are putting on a wonderful display of color.

The Tranquility of Late Fall, Part 1

life_in_me_goldenrodNaomi and I moved to Maine in 2006. We soon settled in a small cape on four and a half acres of land. Part of our property is a small field that was dutifully cut every year. We stopped that practice and let the field chose its own destiny. It was not long before it was populated with all kinds of plants. Goldenrod is the most prolific and, at this time of year, has traded its gold for silver.