The Long Winter

Winters in Maine are long. This winter has been surprisingly mild, even to the point of giving us 50°F days. But one swallow does not make a summer. Friday night on a regular shopping trip to Portland, we were hit by a surprise snow storm. On Saturday, the day time temperature fell to 9ºF, with strong winds that made those temperature even more dangerous. As you have seen, we were hit by a blizzard this Tuesday. Click on the image for a larger view.

Let it snow…

We have had about 4 ft. of snow in three storms in about the space of a week. This photograph is from the latest storm on Thursday. We are having a hard time finding a place to throw it—our snow banks along our driveway are approaching 6 ft. in height. Yes, it is pretty, we are just too tired from shoveling to enjoy it. Click on the image for a larger view.

Winter Blackberries

I explored our land this weekend. We have had unusual amounts of rain, freezing rain, and sleet this winter. The snow pack is hard and slippery–normally when I wear snowshoes, it is so I don’t sink too far into the snow, but now I just need the crampons on the shoes to stop from slipping.

Our blackberry field is like an abstract painting of hard black strokes on a brilliant white canvas. This is such a stark transformation from what this field looks like in the summer. Click on the image for a larger view.