A Year in Color, a Year of Color

life_in_maine_year_in_color_2013This is a year in color, starting with January on the left to December on the right. The color from twelve photographs from each month of the year where blended to illustrate the changing seasons in Maine. Click on the image for a larger view.

At the Summit

acadia_cadillac_summitLast week, we travelled to Acadia National Park. We arrived at the summit of Cadillac Mountain after the sun had passed below the horizon. Most come here for the views, but an amazing ecosystem is right at your feet. With such a harsh environment of extremes in temperature, humidity, wind, and light, it would appear Mt. Dessert Island would earn its name. But life is everywhere. Ground-hugging plants have colonized every trough of dirt and the rock has gained blankets of lichen.