Schoodic Point, Part 5

schoodic_point_3Schoodic Point terminates in the Atlantic Ocean. Even on calm days, the water looks perilous. But a magical transformation of the water and sky takes place at the end of the day. And on this day, either the humidity in the air or the fog on the water scored the horizon with a thin pale line. Click on the image for a larger view.

Schoodic Point, Part 1

schoodic_point_5Schoodic Point is part of Acadia National Park. Being about an hour away from Mount Desert Island and the main park area, it is a quiet place, even in the summer—Cadillac Mountain and Mount Desert Island can be seen on the horizon. Naomi and I took a trip out to the point this weekend. Typical for the weather on the Maine coast, it was something less than sunny. Click on the image for a larger view.