Tag Archives: Pentax 645D
Celebrating Winter
Schoolyard—Tokyo Landscape
Elementary school in Tokyo. From Earth, Water, Fire, Wind, Emptiness: Tokyo Landscape. Click on the image for a larger view.
Blue Jay in Winter
It was a dark, snowy weekend. We had our usual visitors to our bird feeder: chickadees, junco, mourning doves, titmice, cardinals, and goldfinches. We usually do not have blue jays at our feeders, even though they are a common bird in Maine. These intelligent birds—they are a member of the crow family—have striking plumage in any season. If they were not so common, they would attract bird watchers from around the world. Click on the image for a larger view.
Gray and Overcast
Fruit of the Forest
While not exactly edible, the falling foliage is the fruit of our forest. In the summer, it gives the gift of shade, in the fall, the gift of color. It then protects and feeds the ground. I am not sure of the fungus, yet another kind of fruit, but the green is a wilting lily of the valley. Click on the image for a larger view.
Celebrating Fall
Fall 2016
The weather was a wet and overcast this weekend. Fairly typical for early fall. The photograph is of a red maple sapling in our field, which is trading its green for the rustic colors of fall. Click on the image for a larger view.