Scarritt Building 1906 Posted on September 25, 2020 by HakusanCreation Click on the image for a larger view.
14th and Summit Posted on September 21, 2020 by HakusanCreation Click on the image for a larger view.
Private Parking Posted on September 14, 2020 by HakusanCreation Click in the image for a larger view.
The Eye of KC Posted on September 11, 2020 by HakusanCreation The Kansas City skyline at dusk. A panorama with a polar coordinate projection. Click on the image for a larger view.
Drool Posted on September 9, 2020 by HakusanCreation Drool is an occupational hazard for any Newfoundland owner. Fortunately, females like Hikari don’t actually drool that badly for the breed. Click on the image for a larger view.